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Tisurance exists to serve as an independent insurance counselors to assist with understanding the 101 of Medical Insurance Coverage ranging from Commercial, Medicare and Medicaid. Our service extends to exploring your needs for the necessary life insurance coverage as well. We believe our humility, transparency, and patience tending to your concerns, will gain your respect and retain our relationship future forward.   



Be the lending ear to your concerns regarding insurance understanding and needs. Be the navigating informant to your inquires. Be transparent in providing the information sought, even when it’s not what you want to hear. Give the information needed to get you where you wanta be. 


Empowering one person at a time, making their life a little bit better.  

                                                         — Where it all started  —

Over the past twenty-five (25) years I have been asked if I assist independently. Well, the demands of life would not permit time. With the direction of the “New Normal” times have changed yet the question remained. Stepping out on faith, taking the time making availability to do what I do best helping others – Now’s the time. Most of all thank you for all who believe in me. I am here for you.

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Paralegal Insurance Professional 

                                                                                                       In partnership with C.ASH Group 2023 

                                                                                                       In partnership with HealthSherpa 2024


© 2021 Tisurance  | Independent Insurance Counselor LLC 

C.ASH in partnership 2023 (Life, Medicare, Annuities, & Supplements)

HealthSherpa in partnership 2024 (Healthcare)

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