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— Inform and Assist  —

Make Life Make Sense

Making It Better For YOU

Life Insurance - Medicare- Medical Insurance - Dental, Vision & Hearing - Health Supplements -

Hospital Indemnity - Annuities - Medicare Supplements

Insurance 101- Coordination of Benefits - Patient Responsibility 

 Independent Insurance Counseling 

                                                      — WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT —

Explore your Life, Medicare, and Health insurance needs. Get a quote catering to your individual and/or family needs. 

Insurance 101

Learn the in's and out's about your current

medical coverage, patient responsibility, and coordination of benefits.  As applicable discuss Medi-Medi (Medicare and Medicaid combination)



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In Person Counseling 


TeleConferencing (Phone) 

Zoom Video Conferencing 

Personal visits are available as well by appointment only.  Social distancing "Be Safe" is practiced with mask, sanitizer, temperature check and spacing. 


​                                                      Over 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in the insurance industry


                                     — Got Questions? Call me let's talk about it. —

                                                 You may contact our professionals at (216) 600-8483

Tisurance, independent insurance counselors will not rush you. Your concerns matter. We are here to assist with your insurance inquiries. Your information is provided with transparency – no false promises. We seek to inform, assist, and make life better for you by making it all make sense. 


© 2021 Tisurance  | Independent Insurance Counselor LLC 

C.ASH in partnership 2023 (Life, Medicare, Annuities, & Supplements)

HealthSherpa in partnership 2024 (Healthcare)

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